The Lead-Lag Report
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Tom Luongo Tackles the Intricacies of Federal Reserve Policies

Tom Luongo Tackles the Intricacies of Federal Reserve Policies

Podcast of the Week

Step into the complex world of global finance as we engage in an insightful conversation with Tom Luongo, a seasoned expert at the crossroads of markets and geopolitics. Luongo provides a deep analysis of the bond market and Federal Reserve policy, shedding light on the transformation being driven by Jerome Powell, the ultimate bond vigilante. Ready to unravel the intricacies of the shift from Libor to the SOFR market? This conversation will not only redefine your understanding but also forecast the implications of such policy transition on equity markets.

Our discourse continues as we move into the intriguing tension between the US Treasury and the Fed. We traverse the influence of the Davos Scrum on US monetary policy, and delve into the potential existential threats to the Federal Reserve. Furthermore, we examine the strategic deployment of interest rates and leverage as tools of control for governments and politicians. Ever wondered about the role of the IMF during a sovereign debt crisis and how it could impact central banks? We've got you covered!

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As we navigate towards the end, we take a closer look at the future of global markets and the financial wars brewing between economic powerhouses. From the complex banking hierarchy in the United States to the friction between the New York and San Francisco Feds, the Fed and the ECB, and the Bank of Japan, we leave no stone unturned. Stay tuned as we scrutinize the ECB's potential as a safe haven, the implications of Congress's continued spending, and the massive holes in the balance sheets of European Central Banks. We tussle with the German auditor's report on the German Bank's bankruptcy and what it means for the European banking sector. This episode promises to broaden your perspective on the world of high finance and equip you with a fresh understanding of its complexities!

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